March 7 – 7:30 Officer Practice
March 9 – 6:30 Dinner 7:30 Meeting with Special Presentation from Job’s Daughters Bethel #36
March 18: Breakfast at the Lodge
March 21: Officer Practice
March 23: Stated Communication
March 25: Volunteer at Habitat ReStore
April 2: Easter Egg Hunt at the Lodge 2:00-4:00
April 11: Patmos Lodge Visit – Hanover, PA (No Officer Practice)
April 13: 6:30 Dinner & 7:30 Meeting with Open presentation by Brother Tim Sheils
April 15: Blood Drive and Breakfast at the Lodge
April 25: Officer Practice
April 27: Stated Communication
May 21, 2023 – Chapel Service at Bonnie Blink
November 17, 2023 – Bonnie Blink Bingo Night